Sunday, February 15, 2009

wolf = fin

The wolf piece I've been working on here and there is finally finished! Pen & Ink is one of my favorite mediums so I chose to go light on the values...hoping for the line work to come through. I also added a linear effect to the wolf's lollipop to accentuate it's mystery. Maybe it emanates odors that paralyze little piglets nearby? Or maybe it's the wolf's elixir of life? Still working on that part =] Below are some details I enjoyed. I love, love, love hand lettering.

All images are © 2009 by Willie Real unless otherwise specified


Pinflux said...

Just marvellous! Bravo!

Will said...

yeah, really enjoy that second detail shot!

OTTO said...

I can smell the lollipop!

Bill Robinson said...

Love this piece.

Haylee said...

Wonderful color choice, Willie. I can feel all that mischievous energy emanating from his lollipop.
Hope to see more of this guy in the future!

Anonymous said...

I love this piece. I can just see what's on the other side of that fence...and I don't want him to keep walking!!

oh and you're kinda cute too!

Hammy said...

Simply beautiful! Like Haylee said, I hope to also see more of this guy, as well as maybe other characters from his world! I really like the colors too! Thank you for sharing.

RAWLS said...

Nice work bro. Love the lighting. I can almost smell the power of that lollipop.

Tom said...

Awesome work! I would love to see a book illustrated by you!

pablo pablo said...

Great style work!

willie real said...

thanks for the wonderful feedback ladies and gents. i definitely want to do another one showcasing the story and the world surrounding this character...along with three little pigs. i'm planning on doing a few more classics in the coming months so stick around and i'm always open to your comments and crits. thanks again! =]

Ben Mauro said...

fantastic work. I particularly like all the nuances around the face.

The stuff you did for Horton is priceless.

katie smith said...

Ouuu Willie- am I lucky number 13 to comment?? Gettin' in the teeeeeens!! Looks beautiful. The value + tone looks amazing and you really got the swagger of the wolf down. Can't wait to see more Willie's Take on the Classics!

George Cwirko-Godycki said...

i'm not sure about that purple, to me it seems to really clash with all other colors, maybe something more in the reds would fit better and still feel mysterious,

R.Dress said...

Haha love it! I think that sucker would make a nice tooth pick after diner.
By the way I really admire your Horton DisDev.

Callan's Sketchblog said...

this is wonderful- I especially love his dainty little ankles

chRisLee said...

omg so good!ur my goal now

anima-base said...

Awesome illustration

Laura Jane said...

AWESOME! mysterious pop = win

Katy Hargrove said...

Hehehe, excellent!

Icha said...

That's one of the best pictures i've seen on the internet so far. Instant favorite.
You've got another blog reader.