Saturday, January 08, 2011

Denmark! (it's a wrap)

Happy New Years! Hope 2011 is good to all of you guys and gals out there =] I just wanted to post a few pics of a tremendous opportunity I have to teach a character design workshop this week with the talented Florian Satzinger all the way in Viborg, Denmark. Hosting us is the super awesome, super duper dedicated Animation Workshop which has a beautiful campus where they work and play. Can't wait to start classes on Monday... wish me luck =]

country side

my temporary desktop

mmm... cant wait to hit the sack after a long 12hrs of travel!

near the teachers' building where i'm staying. It's an old military barracks

a cemetery on the way to town

i found a small door! =]

the viborg museum

i saw this little guy on campus and loved him =]

the animation workshop inhabits an old military facility

the sunrise at 9:20am

the students hard at work

head of the class

the desktop guardian...

... and her arch nemesis.

final dialies where the students showed their finished pieces =]

and that's a wrap

florian's guest book sketch

and mine

I had a wonderful experience teaching such talented and dedicated students at the Animation Workshop. The facilities there in Viborg are top notch! The town is very charming and the Danish people are very welcoming. Thanks to everyone for their hospitality and a special thanks to Florian Satzinger for the invite, to Anja and Lana for all their help and guidance =] I wish all the students good luck with their final projects!


  1. welcome to Denmark....have fun at the animation school in Viborg and remember to stop by Copenhagen before you head home again.
    Have a nice stay

  2. Welcome to Viborg! I hope you're going to enjoy your stay! Have been looking forward to your visit. If you feel like it at some point, and have the time, please do stop by the third year building and check out our stuff!! All the best.
    - Mark Kjærgaard

  3. Awesome!!!! Congrats!!!

  4. Wow, I think I speek for all of us at the animation workshop when I say that we are very honored to have you here! Hope to see you around and that you have a nice stay.

  5. Thanks Erik. Copenhagen sounds really cool...if I can squeeze in a visit I'll def try. I certainly hope this isnt my only visit to Denmark though =]

    Mark, thanks and I'd love to see what you guys are working on. Anja gave me a quick tour last night (it was a little dark) so i'm getting familiar with the campus... if you see me say hi and show me your stuff (i'm a big mexican guy with a beanie...that looks mid-eastern lol)

    Thank you Kristoffer! I'm super excited to be here and grateful for the opportunity to share what I can when it comes to what we do =]

  6. Congratulations Willy! Love your blog

    I've been following your blog for a year now, and I've been always very curious to know where you from. Are you latin? I live in México by way

    and what did you studied?

  7. Cool photos! Hope you have an awesome time.

  8. amazing! So glad you could be sharing your knowledge with people all over the world! Looked beautiful!
