Wednesday, March 10, 2010

meet woodrow...

Blog-land, this is Woodrow. Woodrow, this is blog-land. hi. hello.

I have this old wooden toy that's been sitting around for a while and I finally gathered the courage to draw on it. I've been testing brush pens on all kinds of wood recently and It feels really nice...natural if you will. Lines flow very nicely and wood welcomes the ink. I have a few other things in the works that I don't think are quite ready to show, but stay tuned! In the meantime here's Woodrow (last name?)

Woodrow loves chucks

sorry about that... Woodrow tends to go pee every two hours
and strongly feels that 'when you gotta go, you gotta go'

-willie real copyright 2010


  1. The last pic is too funny! lol.
    Very dope lines btw. I've been admiring for awhile.

  2. uooooooo!!!!!!!! jajajaja.. I like it this character....fantasticcccccc

  3. WOW, very nice!!
    I like it too!

  4. Great blog!I like your drawings!:o)

  5. love this!
    i enjoy reading your blog because you're always experimenting and learning something new.

  6. This is so great. I feel like this is what Kid Robot would have been making if they'd started 40 years earlier. Have you thought about producing a small run of these somehow? I'd pick one up for sure.

  7. haha! That's fantastic man! I want one!!

  8. Aw man Willie. This dude is so damn dope! If you're taking commissions, let me know.

  9. Woodrow Sillyputty

  10. Hello Woodrow, Happy to meet you... I an see you're happy to meet me, too.

    Awesome Willie.... pure awesomeness

  11. Ha! That is so awesome! Last pic caught me by surprise.

  12. ah man i want one for myself. for reals.

  13. What a great idea!
    This little buddy fits your style perfectly!

    Hire an assistant!
    Make dozens!
    Get rich!
    Send me one!!!

    ...with the srew-on penis option-piece included, of course.
