Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Beautiful Grim

'beautiful grim' pen and ink - willie

The piece above is for an auction called 'beautiful grim' concocted by a few colleagues for an old classmate of mine who's gone through some downs in recent times, but none the less is on the come up. More info here and please keep tuned in for updates on when the auction starts. Thank you all for the wonderful comments as always and take care.

Oh, almost forgot... There's another auction I'll be a part of for a few bud's who've made a documentary called 'Brownstones to Red Dirt'. You can read all about it here and check out the blog with all of the amazing postcards that will be auctioned off for a good cause. I've also added the link to the right. You might remember my posting from a few months ago...

pen & ink, acrylic, varnish - willie real

Again, thank you.



  1. IncreĆ­ble!

    Love this.

  2. a lot of character here, i love your drawing especially the lions...the good blog to day...

  3. Cool style, congrats!

  4. Hey, great blog man!!!! You have a very cool style, very original. BTW, your work in Out Of Picture Vol. 2 is awesome!!!!

  5. Woderful stuff, love the thing you did for Brownstones to Red Dirt.
