Thursday, April 26, 2007

It was 1984 and I didn't know the meaning of the word consequences...does any child? Anyways, my childhood best friend and some other kids from the block would position themselves at the intersections and give the thumbs up when it was clear. We went through several big wheels doing that...the plastic tires would scrape down to nothing along with the soles of our shoes. Good times. I would never in my right mind do it again.....but you can if you'd like right here!


  1. oh man do i ever know that feeling!
    i lost control on my rollerblades on day when i was a kid!
    i cooked through about 4 intersections...i was terrified!

    great expression on the sketch too!
    i dig the shorts!


  2. Great character as always. Your style is different and inspirational. Can't wait to see more.

  3. everything here is just amazing man.

  4. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Great work.
