Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Star Wars!!!

Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder Joshua. Here's the leader of the jedi crew, not quite the same as the one on the bss challenge (color was dialed way back), the one they call "yoda".

It finally occured to us over at work that we hadn't done Star Wars for the weekly challenge. Duh...anyways here the sketch I started with and the photoshoped alternative. I wish I could lock myself indoors and paint this one for real. Maybe someday.


  1. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Really awesome colouring! Stop being so good.

  2. how could you forget Star Wars. love it! really nice design and color. your technique is great!

  3. thats bad ass
    u mean paint it like with real paints?

  4. Maybe another light saber in the right empty hand that looks like it is holding a light saber? I dunno.

  5. now show the yoda also ole mighty one!
